
1 year

Starting Date

January, May, September

Tuition Fee




About the program

As countries around the world seek to efficiently reduce and manage their waste in response to global environmental targets, the field of waste management is playing a critical role in supporting the health and wellbeing of our communities.

By understanding how waste systems function, you can develop informed solutions, whether you are assessing diversion rates for solid and organic waste, introducing cutting-edge technologies, or demonstrating what it means to shift to a circular economy. Apply your learning through applied research projects and work with community and industry partners to identify innovative solutions to real-world problems. The optional co-op stream is the only one of its kind in Ontario to provide hands-on paid work experience in the field.

The Sustainable Waste Management course is offered by Conestoga College.


Graduates will be prepared to apply their environmental and technical skills in a variety of industrial, municipal, or organizational settings in roles such as waste reduction coordinator, waste diversion program coordinator, waste management technician, or waste reduction education officer.

Courses Included

  • Conestoga 101
  • Waste Management Systems
  • Waste Management Legislation and Standards in Canada 
  • Sustainable Waste Solutions: Innovations and Monitoring
  • Project Planning, Development & Implementation
  • Workplace Safety
  • Best Practices in Community and Public Relations

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